Shan Soe-Lin
Portfolio Advisor
Shan helps to source new investments and support the Foundation’s portfolio organizations in Africa, Europe, India, and the U.S.
Shan is an undergraduate capstone faculty member at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs (2021-2022). She is also a managing director at Pharos Global Health Advisors, a non-profit global health advisory firm based in Boston, MA, that she helped to co-found.
Shan specializes in developing solutions to complex strategic, organizational and operational issues affecting global health non-profit organizations, private philanthropies, multilaterals, and US health care payer and provider systems. Through her tenures with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Recon Strategy, Results for Development Institute and now Pharos Global Health Advisors, Shan specializes in developing forward-looking strategies, resource mobilization approaches, competitive landscapes and investment cases for organizations and governments focused on nutrition, HIV, TB, and maternal and child health issues. More recently, Shan has advised developing countries and NGOs on Covid control, and published several op-eds in the New York Times, the Boston Globe and Politico on domestic Covid control and return-to-work strategies. Shan also works with her clients to improve their organizational effectiveness and leadership development. Her clients have included the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Gavi, Unitaid, the Global Fund, Partners in Health, Nutrition International, and Kirk Humanitarian.
Shan holds a PhD in Experimental Medicine, and a B.Sc in Microbiology & Immunology, both from McGill University, and a MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health.