The Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation team brings a variety of backgrounds and experience from the public, nonprofit and private sectors. The team includes management experts, attorneys, healthcare experts, and former nonprofit leaders. They are passionate about the potential for bold social entrepreneurs to make long-term change in the world and honored to work alongside them.
DRK Board
Abby CrockerSenior Executive Assistant
Alex PrietoAdministrative Assistant
Ananya BhattacharyaSenior Analyst
Andrew BarnettDirector, UK Partnerships - United Kingdom
Anika Warren WoodOperating Partner and Chief Organizational Effectiveness Officer and Member, Operating Committee
Ashley BloomerProject Manager
Ashley PlagaDirector, Digital Media and Communications
Audrey AtencioPortfolio and Investment Strategist
Bill RodriguezManaging Director
Cheyenne KooijmanLead, European Partnerships
Daniel Torres BalauroSenior Analyst
Danielle DhillonSenior Associate
Elizabeth NguyenSenior Associate, Pipeline and Partnerships
Emily EdwardsSenior Director, Portfolio Fundraising Strategies
Gwyneth BrownCommunications Manager
Heleen van OosterzeeAdministrative Assistant
Holly KuzmichManaging Director
Jolene WarrenAccountant
JR BlackSenior Production Specialist
Kanini MutooniSenior Managing Director and Africa Director
Kathryn ShehadeChief Communications Officer
Kennedy SimiyuAnalyst
Kim KoontzDirector of Capacity Building Initiatives
Kristin Groos RichmondManaging Director
Kristina HudelsonSenior Manager of Legal Operations and Fund Management
Lara MetcalfChief Portfolio Officer and Member, Operating Committee
Lisa JordanSenior Managing Director and Europe Director
Mandy PriceManaging Director
Margo DrakosManaging Director
Mary LachnitController
Matthew DennManaging Director
Meg RudySenior Associate
Nancy HuangChief of Staff and Senior Advisor to the CEO and Member, Operating Committee
Nicole GallantManaging Director
Oliver RothschildManaging Director
Pam IngebrigtsonSenior Executive Assistant
Rachel MacauleyPrincipal and Africa Lead, Sourcing and Diligence
Rob TashimaManaging Director, Pipeline and Partnerships
Roshni PatelProject Coordinator and Administrative Assistant
Sarah LauSenior Analyst
Sarah VerschoorPortfolio Fundraising Strategies Manager
Shariff CarlosIT and Facilities Lead
Silmara ConnorsExecutive Assistant
Tim ChoSenior Associate
Zeryn SarpangalChief Financial and Administrative Officer and Member, Operating Committee