CNN Features DeVone Boggan of Advance Peace on “What in the World”
DRK Foundation entrepreneur, DeVone Boggan, was recently featured on CNN’s “What in the World” segment for an approach he developed to reduce urban gun violence by offering a fellowship & stipend to would-be-criminals to not commit crimes. This news feature comes on the heels of the District of Columbia unanimously passing the “Neighborhood Engagement Achieves Results Amendment Act of 2016” (NEAR Act) on Tuesday, March 1, 2016. Founder of Advance Peace, Boggan was, until recently, the Director of the Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) for the city of Richmond, CA. He was responsible for the development, implementation and management of comprehensive approaches to reducing firearm assaults, preventing retaliation associated with firearm conflict, and transforming the lives of young men identified as the city’s most lethal. A component of the NEAR Act will create an Office of Neighborhood Safety and Engagement (ONSE) that will utilize the successful approach developed by Boggan to identify teenagers and young adults at the highest risk for committing or being a victim of violent crimes, for participation in a stipend based program involving life planning, trauma informed therapy and mentorship.
Watch the video here.