Model & Strategy

Pollinate Group is a global charity advancing connected social businesses in India and Nepal. They provide families living in underserved communities—such as city slums and remote villages—access to quality household products such as solar lights so that they can save time, money, and live healthier and safer lives.

To reach these customers, they build local distribution networks focused on women, who are empowered through business training to become change agents in their community. These women use their new knowledge and increased confidence to sell and service products to their peers.

Pollinate Group also delivers a fellowship program, which targets students and professionals from around the world and equips them with practical experiences to become the next generation of social and environmental leaders.

At a Glance
Founded: 2013
Founder: Alexie Seller
Current CEO: Sujatha Ramani
Economic Empowerment, Sustainability
Location of work: International, Asia
Pollinate Group
Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore India
A world where women are equipped to lead their communities out of poverty.
Pollinator walking thru streets of India in a yellow polo shirt
Alexie Seller headshot
Meet Alexie Seller

Alexie is the winner of the Advance Australia Social Impact Award (2018) and EY Social Entrepreneur of the Year (2017). In October 2019, Alexie stepped down as CEO of Pollinate Group.

In January 2020, Pollinate Group announced the appointment of Sujatha Ramani as its new CEO. Ramani has more than 28 years of corporate and entrepreneurial experience across sales, marketing, global program management, and engineering. Sujatha holds an MBA and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Science.


Since 2012, Pollinate Group has sold more than 160,000 products, impacting more than 662,000 people. Customers have saved more than US$16.7M and displaced 65,173 tonnes of CO2. Their customer service focus—including after-sales support— is a key differentiator and business model advantage to help break the cycle of poverty.



They have empowered more than 650 people across India and Nepal as entrepreneurs who gain income, skills, and respect through their sales businesses.