Model & Strategy

The Problem
Some of the world’s most intractable challenges lie within globalized supply chains. Without the proper tools to map and understand these problems, abuses and violations persist and those responsible are not held accountable. To solve these issues, there’s a fundamental piece of the puzzle that is missing: open data. Without quality, accessible supply chain data to understand where the problems are and who’s involved, industry cannot share data or work together on solutions. Nor can they be held accountable. The current state of the world’s supply chain data is delaying systemic change and sustainable development.

While supply chain technology has modernized exponentially in our hyper-globalized world, the technology to house supply chain data has not. Global corporations keep data in Excel sheets or old PDF reports that rapidly go out of date, and there is no interoperability between systems to connect disparate datasets. Where data does exist, it is riddled with errors, not standardized across industries and is rarely made public. Without accurate, shared information around where facilities are located and who is tied to them, collaboration and remediation around supply chain issues are stalling.

The Solution
Open Supply Hub’s strategy is to open up supply chain data for the benefit of all, with data in the Hub contributed by hundreds of organizations all over the world. The power of OS Hub’s approach lies in transforming messy, inconsistent data into structured datasets made freely available to all stakeholders under an open data license. OS Hub maintains one central database organized by a standardized ID number so it is easy to adopt across multiple systems. When everyone working in global supply chains enjoys equal access to quality data, opportunities rapidly open up to shift industries onto a more sustainable and equitable path. Open Supply Hub is shepherding the creation of an Open Supply Chain Ecosystem, including an Open Data Standard, with the objective of creating a strong foundation for open and transparent data disclosure ahead of incoming corporate supply chain due diligence legislation.

Open Supply Hub is proposing to build a global, interconnected, and open ecosystem and infrastructure for supply chain due diligence. Over the next five years, OS Hub seeks to become the largest open, market-leading database of supply chain information, with the ultimate goal of empowering workers and improving supply chain accountability across major consumer product sectors.

At a Glance
Founded: 2019
Executive Director: Natalie Grillon
Social Justice, Sustainability
Location of work: Domestic, Northeast, West Coast, Midwest, Southwest, Southeast, South Central, International, Africa, Asia, United Kingdom, Latin America, Europe, India
Open Supply Hub
Hudson, NY
Open access to global supply chain data.
Meet Natalie Grillon

Championing access to open data and transparent practices, Natalie has worked for over a decade to launch innovative solutions to complex problems in global supply chains. Prior to Open Supply Hub, she co-founded Project JUST, an online platform aimed at helping bring transparency to fashion supply chains, empowering consumers to shift their purchasing behavior. She is an Acumen Fellow, a Return Peace Corps volunteer and a graduate of Georgetown University (B.S.) and Cornell University (MBA).


3,600 average monthly users access OS Hub’s freely available data to create systemic change in global supply chains.

OS Hub data enabled the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) to hold brands accountable following COVID-19, ensuring that workers who lost their jobs received their legally mandated severance.

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) coupled OS Hub data with their Water Risk Filter to inform projections about water impacts such as drought and flooding in apparel production regions by 2030.