
Premal Shah: Small Business, the Backbone of the U.S. Economy, Needs a Jump Start
Kiva focuses on crowdfunding zero-interest loans to small-business owners who are excluded from other financing, have a social impact and create jobs: cafes hiring at-risk youth and providing job training; small businesses giving a second chance to the previously incarcerated; refugees sharing their culture through food and artisan enterprises. It is a movement that anyone with an internet connection and $25 to lend can be a part of.
Founder Premal Shah urges that we cannot forget about the small steps that take us in the right direction, from supporting the individuals and small shops that are the mainstay of our communities; to empowering those searching for a foothold in the middle class.
When enough of these small steps are taken by enough people, there is opportunity to continue building momentum for a better economic future, from the ground up.
Read the article here.